
Having An Intimate Chit Chat

At Bandar Rimbayu's Sembang Raya

Not your usual press talk
Press conferences get the message across. But they’re kinda dry, don’t you think?

For Bandar Rimbayu, we believed that the more intimate and personal it is, the better. Embracing the spirit of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, friends from the media were served with a tantalising feast boasting the Malay culture and heritage to deepen the festive ambience.

While everyone enjoyed their meals, the newly appointed Senior General Manager of Bandar Rimbayu, Mr. Chai Kian Soon was beyond excited to share what Bandar Rimbayu has planned to further improve on its developments and create a more nurturing home for a tight-knit community.

Jazzed it up
On top of the meals, Malaysia’s Queen of Jazz Sheila Majid graced the event with her voice, belting her jazzy pop hits and awed the attendees soon after the tete-a-tete session.

It’s not every day that you get to listen to a legendary songbird that up close, so this is definitely one of our most memorable events ever!

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