
On Success, Social Media, And White Socks With Gianluca Vacchi

A casual chat with the Italian Millionaire Playboy

What do you get when you combine an undying thirst for life and a lifestyle so luxurious it’ll make your jaw hang? Two words—Gianluca Vacchi.

With more than 14 million followers on his Instagram account, he’s a living example of the popular acronym YOLO (You only live once) as he shows, and I mean really shows people how life is meant to be lived.

Being a fan of this Italian business mogul slash millionaire myself, it goes without saying that I too am one of the million awe-struck individuals who perk up at the sight of him on social media. I think that most would agree that his grandiose ravishment for life is truly refreshing.

I figured it was about time I picked his brain; I was curious about his unquenchable zest for life. It’s not often you see a 50-year-old who’s got young people around the world going “I want to be this guy”. And so, an interview between the two of us was arranged!

What does personal branding mean to you?

Be coherent and communicate who you really are. Visualisation is a powerful tool. We live in an era where platforms of entertainment have changed and to get with the times, one has to be on board with how fast we’re moving technologically.

How would you define success?
Success for me is all about reaching a wider audience, which I am doing now. Nothing much has changed between then and now, except now I have a platform to share what I do with the rest of the world. My philosophies haven’t changed too and I’ve always had a quality life.

I like being available to others—no filters or masks, just be who I am. There is also a sense of responsibility because millions watch me with the desire to be inspired.

Biggest obstacles faced?
Too many to even bring to mind! Especially as an entrepreneur. I overcame them with resiliency. I count on myself.

Tell me about your health and fitness regime.
I train every day as it brings me great peace. It takes plenty of discipline. Music is a big part of my life and I tie it to everything that I do. Aside from that, I read and I enjoy catching information. It’s about letting your talents run free.

Meal-wise, I believe in balance. I don’t like overdoing things.

You’ve proven yourself to be quite the jack of all trades—what’s next for Gianluca?
Acting, quite possibly. Immersing myself in the artistic world gives me more opportunities to discover myself and that’s a privilege. 

What’s your ultimate secret to success and what would you advise others?
I am a huge advocator of following dreams. Just believe in them! The younger generation need to be pushed to believe that anything is possible. Be hungry, always. Be moved by curiosity and see how things become reality. People don’t realise what it really means to have ONE life and how everything can end in a blink of an eye. Don’t take anything for granted.

What inspires your fashion sense?
My rule is to not have rules. I usually put my clothes together without really thinking about what’s out there in the fashion world; however, I do take into account things like moods, colours, the weather and so forth. Bottom line is I don’t really need to be inspired by magazines when I’m putting an outfit together.

What are some of the most adventurous things you’ve done?
I’ve done too many things! I’m even a certified helicopter pilot. There’s not one thing I remember not doing. I am open to all things new.

Tell me about your book, ‘Enjoy’.
The book is to give readers a more intimate view of my life. The very first sentence says “Life is one, be yourself, not what others expect you to be”. We’re often driven by what others expect us to do and be but it’s about going outside of that. I get a lot of criticism for my views on life. One recent one was— “How can you drive a car looking like Batman”? My response to that was: There’s no cost too hefty for making someone smile or spreading happy vibes. I provoke good vibes. That’s what I do.

How do you view criticism?
I don’t. Younger people are not likely to follow conventional approaches. We respect others, of course but the most important is respecting one’s self.

Why do you think you have so many followers?
People are inspired. Perhaps they want what I have. Perhaps they are just happy watching. I cover the whole nine yards. I think people like to see that, get motivated, be influenced. 

What are your views on print media?
There’s a certain disconnection with the rest of the world without social media. Social media is a weapon and one that you can use to your advantage. I was sitting on the dinner table some years ago and everyone was on a tablet and I remember thinking to myself: I am not old enough to not be interested. We’re living in a world where people are constantly considering alternative lifestyles and this is only possible because of social media.

What are some of your most amusing celebrity or fan encounters?
Nothing too out of the ordinary. There are always people sending me messages, telling me they are huge fans of my work, or that they’re inspired by me. I’m usually very happy to respond. That’s the beauty of social media—there are no barriers.

Has the world changed much from when you were a child?
Again, its social media. It changed the way people relate to one another.

Have you ever imagined your life if you weren’t famous?
Everything was pretty normal till 5 years ago. I had a beautiful life with less people involved. I’d say it’s a beautiful life now with more people involved!

Biggest fashion faux pas?
White socks!

Have you ever tried durian?
I haven’t the slightest idea what that is!

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